Saturday, February 15, 2020

Strategic Direction of Tesco Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Strategic Direction of Tesco - Case Study Example We have a track record of providing value for customers, creating jobs and training, providing opportunities for suppliers and regenerating deprived areas. [The Tesco Group had turnover of 33,974 million ($59,454 million) with pre-tax profits of 2,029 million ($3,551 million) in the year to February 2005. We have 2,467 stores, employing over 370,000 people in the 13 countries in which we operate. In Europe, outside the UK, we operate in Ireland, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Turkey where we have 305 stores and over 61,000 employees.] For the first 50 years, Tesco worked hard to establish the brand and build up a strong UK business, by ensuring that everything we did was driven by a never-ending ambition to improve our customers' shopping trips.] "No one tries harder for customers," and "Treat people how we like to be treated," are the core values of Tesco and its approach to Corporate Responsibility. Sir Terry Leahy says that they believe they can achieve most when they work together on practical things that make a difference. Tesco helps customers and fairly treat colleagues with trust and respect. Tesco delivers cheaper and better products, and provide more choice for the people and community. We continue to make long-term price reductions throughout our businesses. As life has become busier and more complex, and living costs more expensive, Tesco has helped make shopping simpler, more convenient and affordable to customers. During 2006/07 we have: ( [launched our Fruit and Veg Pledge - that we would offer at least

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Hypothetical situations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hypothetical situations - Assignment Example Personal honesty is a moral standard that should guide committed and devoted engineers. With personal honesty, civil engineers will construct bridges not with the greed of making money but with the honesty of using appropriate proportionality of the required material that will enhance reputation of the engineers, longevity of the structure and safety of the users. Secondly, engineers distinctively should practice with the mindful care of the environment. Since their area of practice and exploration is the natural environment, therefore it would make more sense if they cared for it more as a form of long-term investment. If their exploration is guided by short time gains and personal interest, then the environment is at risk of being over-exploited. This will leave the future generation with serious risks (Aristotle & Reeve, 2014). It is, therefore, arguable that the two virtues have a bearing on a wider scope of significance and inside them, there is a host virtue that will be put into practice such as avoiding bribery, ensuring public safety, fairness and conflict of interest. Q2. In the present time of arrogance, people who have humility and full of virtues are considered as weak and timid. One of my acquaintances who had excelled in his A-level examinations had full-blown arrogance as the happiest of all the candidates who sat for those final examinations. At the same time, a classmate that did averagely on the exam was happy that he had gone through the system, which he out rightly considered as not strategic for him. He had great ideas of entrepreneurship that made him get the breakthrough. With humility and his humble stature, he employed a number of the poor and paid them honestly. In the fullness of time, the brightest student of our time went through the system with every holiday working as the part-timer on the business empire that the failure had developed. On reflection,